About Us
Agribusiness has always been the goal, we started as Way to farm ltd in 2015 and was later rebranded & registered as The Farm Uganda Ltd. Many individuals and groups from several countries have generously contributed to making “The Farm Uganda” what it is today.
Our other major Agribusiness venture is goat farming which we started in 2019 with around 10 cross breed females and a Savanna male. By the end of 2020 we realised that with good management practises, goats have a high multiplication rate and they could be a core income stream and further bolster our self sustenance goal.
Diversification to increase cash flow has also driven us into poultry farming, we brood day-old Sasso chicks, and sell one-month-old (vaccinated) indigenous-like (Sasso) free-range chicken to small and medium-scale farmers in Kitumbi sub-county, Kassanda district, Uganda.
There is a huge unmet demand for indigenous free-range chicken and eggs because of their superior nutritious value.
We have high-quality equipment ranging from tractors for to planters, trailers to ploughs ready for hire. These we buy brand new and are specifically designed for the very sturdy soils and tough root systems. Our equipment is regularly serviced to keep them in top-notch condition.
Other projects
Part of our vision is to be a diversified and integrated community based farming enterprise and as such we have started and manage other projects like a 10 acre banana plantation, Maize, Soya bean, Cassava and local chicken whose eggs go for a premium.
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Farm Uganda is a community-based farm in Kassanda district in Central Uganda whose idea was conceived by Samuel while in the USA doing business at...